Starting Date
June, 2008
Ending Date
May, 2011
Working Areas
Jessore, Jhenaidah, Satkhira, Meherpur, Chuadanga and Kushtia districts of Bangladesh
Project Objective
- To strengthen the capacity of the network NGOs/CBOs both in Bangladesh and India
- To establish social safety net at grassroots level at bordering areas through community participation
- To repatriate victims of trafficking in children, adolescents and women from India
- To advocacy with government and other agencies to implement SAARC convention addressing human trafficking
- To introduce hotline service between NGOs/CBOs of both countries to share the information
Major Activities
- Preparatory Meetings with the NGOs/CBOs
- Capacity building training for the NGOs/CBOs
- Union level awareness raising and motivational training and formation of counter trafficking Women Forum (CTWF)
- Capacity building training workshops for the CTWF members at Jessore
- Coordination meeting with NGOs/CBOs
- CTWF Coordination Meeting
- Awareness Raising Courtyards meeting with the vulnerable women and children by the members of CTWF
- Orientation Session with Students
- Stage Drama, Bazar Meeting and folk song,
- Vedio Shows
- Hotline Operation
- Fact Finding The cases of trafficking
- Legal Support
- Social Reintegration of the Survivors
- Capacity building for CBOs in West Bengel
- Advocacy and legal work with Government and other institutions
- Dialogue meeting with local administration and BDR
- Advocacy meeting with Govt. Official and Civil Society (Pressure Group)
- Cross border collaboration meeting
- Exchange visit between Bangladesh and India
Funding Agency
GD/ECPAT Luxemburg/EC
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