Dedicated to the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Helpline Number : +880 197 718 2023

Who we are

Rights Jessore is a leading human rights organisation in Bangladesh dedicated to protection and promotion of human rights, prevention of human trafficking and providing service to the victims of human trafficking.It supports for victim rescue, repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation.Rights Jessore has been working predominately in the south-western region of Bangladesh since 1991. It helps in creating enable environment of prevention, protection and prosecution for the victims of human trafficking through formation of forums, capacity building, networking and documentations of violations. It has a 31 member General Council which forms the nine member Executive Committee, the policy making body of the organization.

Legal Status of the Organization

  • Rights Jessore is registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau
  • Registration No. 1303 dated on 26 October 1998 and Social Service Department Registration no. 303 dated on 21 March 1993.


Rights Jessore envisages a society in Bangladesh where every human being irrespective cast, creed, religion, color, culture, gender, and profession living with human dignity and free from all sorts of human rights violation.


The Mission of Rights Jessore is to protect the human rights of all people especially women and children by building awareness, creating sensitivity among the duty bearers and establishing good governance.

Core Values:

Rights Jessore’s actions are driven by the principles of equity, sustainability and environmental protection. Rights Jessore as a development change maker preach and practices certain organizational Values.

  • Activity encourage its people to reach to their highest potential
  • Practice high degree of self –discipline
  • Mutual respect and trust
  • Cost consciousness
  • Honesty and integrity

Areas of Technical Expertise

  • Promotion and protection of Human Rights especially disadvantaged women and children
  • Combat Trafficking-in-Persons (Especially Women and Children Trafficking)
  • Safe Migration (Both male and Female migrants)
  • Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
  • Good Governance
  • Gender based violence (Any kinds of violence against women and children
  • Protection of child rights
  • Disaster Management and Risk Reduction
  • Civic Education
  • Health Related Issues including HIV/AIDS
  • Rohingya Response

Geographical  Coverage

Rights Jessore is working throughout the country with special focus on 10 south-western districts of Bangladesh including Jashore, Satkhira, Khulna, Jhenaidah, Narail, Magura, Kushtia, Chuadanga, Meherpur & Bagerhat districts. Recently, Rights Jessore expanded its activities to the middle-east countries including United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Jorden  & the bordering country India on a specific issue Human Trafficking including labour trafficking



Rights Jessore is a leading human rights organisation in Bangladesh dedicated to protection and promotion of human rights, prevention of human trafficking and providing service to the victims of human trafficking.It supports for victim rescue, repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation.Rights Jessore has been working predominately in the south-western region of Bangladesh since 1991. It helps in creating enable environment of prevention, protection and prosecution for the victims of human trafficking through formation of forums, capacity building, networking and documentations of violations. It has a 31 member General Council which forms the nine member Executive Committee, the policy making body of the organization.




Our protection strategy offers victim centered approach to improve the consistency and quality of support offered to survivors of trafficking. We provide comprehensive referral services, integrated assistance, survivor leadership and community based integration support. Case management, victim support center and psycho-social counseling are integral aspects of protection activities.




Prosecution strategy focuses on increasing the responsiveness of criminal justice actors to trafficking victims. Rights Jessore employs multi-disciplinary training, networking and capacity building on rules and laws governing TIP, migration and witness protection. Through successful implementation of these activities, criminal justice actors demonstrate increased understanding of their roles and responsibilities in prosecuting traffickers and providing support to TIP survivors. This results in increased arrests and prosecution of crime.




Partnership activities build on established relationships to effectively compact human trafficking through collaboration with various ministries, partnerships with the private sector and civil society, and coordianation with other national and international organizations.  Rights Jessore promotes partnership at national, district and local level to strengthen the policy environment, provide support to the government and connect local government and community efforts. Partnerships strengthen community prevention efforts and local authorities abilities to prevent human traffciking; monitor migration; strengthen protection of and services for survivors; improve criminal justice actors understanding of how to enforce laws; and contribute to an imporved understanding of Trafficking in Person in Bangladesh.






Its been fantastic experience to work with Rights Jessore .- SM RonY
Its been Outstanding experience to work with Rights Jessore- MOU
Its been Nice experience to work with Rights Jessore- JIM