Punishing the anti-social elements by law, is a strong deterrent to the crime of Human Trafficking and unsafe migration. We file suits in the court of law against the traffickers... read more →
Counseling support by project staffs such as capacitated CTC and CVG members to victims, their families and communities: By this event repatriated human trafficked survivors provided counseling support to survivors... read more →
School Orientation: Rights Jessore organized School Orientation in the community level in order to increase awareness among students and community people. These School orientation sessions are organized and conducted by... read more →
Mainly Rights Jessore implements various field level activities in order to create awareness raising among community level people for implementing various type of project in its working area on the... read more →
We stop human trafficking and unsafe migration before it takes place by raising awareness and empowering communities to take action.
We partner with the different service providing agencies and communities to rescue victims of trafficking and work with the State’s legal system to help make sure traffickers are brought to... read more →
We ensure that survivors are provided with our comprehensive aftercare programme that help them come through the trauma they have gone through.
We partner with governments, NGOs and the criminal justice system, civil society organizations and businesses to develop lasting solutions
Starting Date October, 1998 Ending Date September, 1999 Working Areas Jessore Major Activities Dialogue Meeting with NGO Representatives, Lawyers, Social Leaders, Law Enforcement Agencies, Journalists and Different Professional Groups Cinema... read more →
Starting Date November, 2000 Ending Date December, 2002 Working Areas Jessore Major Activities Dialogue Meeting with NGO Representatives, Lawyers, Social Leaders, Law Enforcement Agencies, Journalists and Different Professional Groups Legal... read more →