School Orientation:
Rights Jessore organized School Orientation in the community level in order to increase awareness among students and community people. These School orientation sessions are organized and conducted by different Government and Non Government affiliated formed Groups like as CTC, CVG, Peer Leader, and CTFW Groups. In these School Orientation Session students are oriented in the issue of Human trafficking, Causes of human trafficking, Consequence of human trafficking, Prevention of human trafficking, Migration, step of safe migration, Child Rights , Prevention of CSEC issue and hotline number of Rights Jessore . Students are oriented according to various project mentioned numbers.
Community Meeting:
One of the major components of the project is the community meetings at community level. It is an outreach activity in nature to outreach the community people at their premises in support with the project partner NGOs. Two Counter Trafficking Committee CTC members as well as CVG members are entrusted to facilitate the event along with the partner NGO staffs. In this activity the CVG members select a house as prospective place for the community meeting and invite the neighbors around beforehand to sit together for a group discussion. CTC members arrange required sitting mats from the nearby households for around 30 persons sitting on a court yard.
At the beginning the CTC and CVG members greet the participants as part of the ice breaking of the people gathered then, the CTC and CVG members start discussing the project issues like What is human trafficking, what are the main causes & consequences of human trafficking, what we can do together to stop human trafficking from the communities, what are the existing legal instruments and service settings via which we can seek Justice, what is migration, what is the benefit of safe migration, what are the ideal steps of safe migration etc. At the letter stage of the meeting, the facilitators seek feedbacks from the participants in a bid to measure immediate result of the discussion.. The partner NGO staffs and Rights Jessore project staffs support the CTC members for organizing and facilitating the community meetings in the project working villages.
The day before community meeting CTC /CVG / Peer leader/ CTWF member invites community people for joining in the community meeting session. On the certain day they were briefed by PNGO’s staff or Rights Jessore staff on the community meeting spot for the delivery message.
Street & Doc Drama:
Stage & Doc drama has been one of the most popular events as behavioral change tool. Stage drama attempts to diffuse the development message to its target audience through entertainment. It tries to depict the contemporary social context which helps the community people to approve the message comparing with their daily life activities. Usually such event is ideal to outreach large size audience at a time as it gets organized at public places like open fields close to villages. The project considers stage drama as a viable channel of message dissemination
Building & Strengthening of Social Structures, Networking & Advocacy
Capacity Building Training & Formation of CTC including inclusive representation as per guideline of NPA
Rights Jessore activated and formation of new CTC through organizing 2 one-day capacity building training for unduplicated CTC members at District Level (in combination of Union, Upazila and District Level CTC members) on their role and responsibilities regarding anti-trafficking preventive measures, identification and rescue of the survivors; facilitate integration and rehabilitation process etc. Rights Jessore has planned to activate those unions of Jessore, Satkhira, Narail, Khulna and Jehnaidah
- •Successfully CTC formation and most of the CTC Members capacity building on prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration was completed in those Unions according to NPA.
- •Capacitated CTC members are taking part in organizing and conducting awareness session in their locality and they were working shoulder to shoulder with CVG members in order to prevention of human trafficking and promotion of safe migration.
- •CTC are helping survivors to rescue & integrate in the community.
- •CTC are doing referral to service provider.
- •Union digital center representative are using CTC Members for ensuring safe migration.
- •Few Union CTC members are allocated budget on the awareness raising session on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration.
Capacity Building Training & Formation of CVG/Peer Leader with inclusive representation at ward level:
Rights Jessore has formation and cap cited peer groups at unions. A total of 520 new peer leaders trained through 1 basic ToT and engaged in community mobilization, at-risk referral, survivors’ identification and rehabilitation activities. The peer leaders also get 1 refreshers training following performance assessment and evaluation. RJ organized 2-days of skills development training on their roles and responsibilities to prevent human trafficking and unsafe migration, facilitation skills, communication and organizing capacity etc. The 20/33 peer leaders included unsuccessful returnee migrants, locally elected bodies, local NGO/CBOs, teachers, college students, trafficking survivors, youth clubs etc. Peer leaders is working as front line workers and they working as watchdog groups in the community also enhance capacity of the members on psycho-social counseling of the survivors, family members and society as well. They are keeping the record of human trafficking and unsafe migration cases also be responsible for integration and rehabilitation process of human trafficking survivors. They are raising mass awareness among potential migrants, vulnerable women and children on the issue of human trafficking and unsafe migration through organizing different community level events.
- •They determined to carry on prevention of human trafficking and promotion of safe Migration related activities for sake of community people.
- •RJ is gaining gradually sustainable shape in these unions through CVG Member.
- •They are known as safe Migration advisor in their locality.
- •They were working with CTC Members shoulder to shoulder in order to prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe Migration in their locality.
- •CVG Member is stopping early marriage in the community.
- •Many CTC members were acted as a CVG Member in the community.
IEC materials development and distribution (incl.Billboard Placement) containing of safe migration and anti-trafficking messages
To raising and distribute much more awareness massage regarding the issue of human trafficking and safe migration among the community people Rights Jessore design & developed few time worthy IEC materials , like Leaflet – 5000 copies, Poster- 2500 copies, Flip Chart – 200 copies Stickers- 5000 copies, Bill board – 10 Nos .Each PNGO has supplied this IEC material and the result –
- •Field level activities are completing smoothly, both facilitator and participants are benefited through IEC materials.
- •Local people are getting massage through these IEC materials.
- •Bill board is playing vital role in increasing knowledge on the issue of human trafficking and safe migration in the project area.
- •Community people are benefited from these materials and updated about human trafficking and safe migration related information also kept HOL LINE numbers.
Door to Door Campaign:
Objective of this event is Level of understanding of potential migrants and vulnerable women and children on human trafficking and migration issues will be increased.
Door to door campaign activity are being performed by PNGOs of RJ in which total community people got message on prevention human trafficking and safe migration issue of them Male female community participants. This event was facilitated by CVG and CTC members, Union facilitators provided technical support to them and monitor their activities. In this event CVG & CTC members visits house to house in their locality and provide massages on preventing human trafficking and safe migration in brief.
Active Media Work to Promote Awareness and Hotline Services:
The Main Object of to aware people on the issue of human trafficking and safe migration through media work.
The project has initiated to broadcast some human trafficking and safe migration related information and with hot line services through local TV Channel and huge number audience are getting information through the channel. Human trafficking prevention & safe migration promotion related documentary film has been broadcasted through TV channel.
Psycho Social Counseling Training for Selected CTC and CVG Members:
Through this training CTC & CVG Member are being skilled on Psycho Social Counseling for this reason CTC & CVG Member are getting skill on handling human trafficking survivor independently in the community during integration period of repatriated human trafficking survivors and in the period of mainstreaming in society .
As these girls have undergone severe brainwash and mental torture, they have lost all faith on mankind. Intricate psycho-social counseling is necessary at every stage to rehabilitate them. One can imagine the torment and trauma these girls undergo while facing commercial sexual exploitation. They are terribly depressed and psychologically imbalanced. We provide them intricate psycho-social counseling to enable them forget past trauma and convert their negative attitude to positive attitude in life
Orientation and Consultation Meeting & Formation of the Union Youth Ambassadors Forum (UYAF)
Combating Human Trafficking in Bangladesh through the Promotion of Safe Migration and Protection
which aims at improving the human rights situation through awareness rising on human trafficking and safe migration. Most of the areas cross border mobility is remarkably high which is putting those people in utmost vulnerabilities of human trafficking. Migration is the livelihood strategy of the people of the project working areas therefore; people are going out but rarely making informed choice about their migration as they do not have the access to the appropriate information. The government’s service facilities fall short to support the people with adequate institutional support to promote safe migration from the respective areas, NGOs with their limited resources working to build community people’s capacities as well as youth development capacities so that they become empowered enough to make informed choice about their prospective migration and voice to raise awareness or working as a Youth Ambassador in the community level and this youth forum which will collaborate with local educational institutions, government agencies, and CTCs also. The objective of the event is –
a.Introducing the project with the Youth Ambassador and to enhance their understanding on human Trafficking and Safe migration issues.
b.To form Union Youth Ambassador Forum(UYAF) with a view to establish a community led approach to reduce human trafficking by promoting safe migration.
Youth Ambassador would like to make advocacy with Union Parishad Chairman, members, teachers, journalist, businessman,doctors for strong participation on CTC.
Assist to organize CTC training when Rights Jessore want to provide.
Will Prepare a list of legal/illegal travel agencies or perpetrators.
Female members of the UP will be coordinating the Youth forum.
Youth forum will prepare a list of school and collage by March-2016 for school awareness program.
Youth forum will distribute IEC materials as well as safe migration and Human trafficking among other youth of their community.
All of member of Youth forum committed to form a cultural team of youth forum by May-2016.
Coordinate with other NGO’s in this regards.
Building Training for School Teacher/ Religious Leader on Human Trafficking and Safe Migration Issues:
By this activity, School Teacher and religious leader are being capacitated on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration, School teacher, and religious leader are playing tremendous role for developing socio economic condition in the community for this reason they are provided capacity building training on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration. On the other hand they are known as information Bank in the community so it is crying need to them to be capacitated on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration. In these capacities building training School teacher and religious leader are taken part of the locality. After getting training teacher and religious leader advice community people on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration issue. This capacity building training is being provided by Rights Jessore staff and PNGO Staff CTC and CVG member are helping them.
Organize Coordination Meeting with Police /BGB and Lawyer:
Coordination system has been built up among the law enforcement agency (BGB, Police, Lawyer) trafficked survivors are getting proper justice.
I Coordination Meeting with Police /BGB and lawyer are Organized by RJ & PNGO staff in the working area in this meeting the existing coordination system are reviewed to develop coordination among BGB Police, lawyer. Strategies are being choked out in these meeting A Coordination meeting with Police, BGB (Border for developing coordination among them.
Consultation Workshop and Orientation with Stakeholders including Judiciaries, Lawyers, Law, Enforcement authorities Journalists etc.
Law enforcement agencies, lawyer’s judges are playing proactive role and coordinate efforts in dealing with human trafficking and unsafe migration cases.
Consultation workshops and orientation with stakeholders including Judiciaries, lawyers, law, enforcement authorities’ journalists are organized by PNGO and RJ staff for sensitizing on the issue of prevention human trafficking promotion of safe migration thus Judiciaries, lawyers, law, enforcement authorities journalists etc plays proactive role in prevention of human trafficking and promotion of safe migration issue . These meetings are generally organized in the venue of Judiciaries conference room. The main discussion points are of this meeting as follows.
- •Experience Sharing on – Impediment of current prosecutorial process and challenges in implementation of new TIP law 2012 and way of overcoming faced challenges.
- •How to ensure victims friendly Prosecutions
By this activity Law Enforcement Agencies- lawyer’s judges are being sensitized on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration of RJ working area.
Organize School Debate Issues on Child Rights:
It is most popular and interesting event among RJ implemented activities in the community level
Students learn about Child Rights and on human trafficking issue through these School debate sessions. Very Competitive school debate session are organized by RJ staff in various school, four to Six school participate in these school debate competition of the certain locality. The staff of RJ goes to school for getting permission from School authority then invitation letter are distributed among participating school authority then certain day School debate competition are organized on certain venue . These competitions are judged by Collage university teachers and Journalist at the end of the event the winners team are provided crest by the chair of the event. These School debate sessions were appreciated by International visitors.
Capacity building training of Police on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration.
The main objective of this activity is to develop capacity of police official on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration thus they do not face any difficulty of filling human trafficking case as well they can properly identify which is the human trafficking case and unsafe migration case . They can be handle human trafficked survivors independently. At the initial stage RJ staff or PNGO staff goes to hair authority of police for getting permission of the activities. After getting permission, RJ issues invitation letter for participating in the capacity building training for police official in the venue of police conference room. Per batch participants remains 30 police officials the main contain of the training is as follows
- •Relation between human trafficking and Migration.
- •Indicators of human trafficking incidents.
- •Stakeholder analysis those who involved of the incident of human trafficking.
- •Role of law enforcement Official for the prevention of human trafficking and ensuring safe migration.
- •Laws of human trafficking (2012) and Migration (2013)
Training for media personnel:
The main objective of this event is to develop capacity of media personnel on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration. Thus they can able to report in the print media of human trafficking case properly and they can avoid Rights violation of human trafficked survivors in the time of human trafficking case reporting. They are also encouraged for writing article on prevention human trafficking in order to increase awareness on prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration for the general people.
Press conference:
This activity performed by Rights Jessore annually. The main objective of this activity is to inform Project information to the media people as well as review yearly human rights situation with the media people. In this Press conference event most of the media people of Jessore district participates. Through this activity Rights Jessore urged help of media people for the protection of human Rights situation. In this event, annual human Rights situation reviewed the documents cell of Rights Jessore prepared annual Report on human Right situationBy news paper. The main outcome of this event is media people are updated about project activity as well as human Rights situation in Bangladesh. Generally this activity is organized in the conference room of Press Club or in the conference room of Rights Jessore .
Hotline Service:
This is one of the most popular events of Rights Jessore. The main Objective of this event is to inform about human Rights violation related incidents from the people of grass root level and act as accordingly for solving the problem. Rights Jessore has three hotline numbers which is opened 24 hours, the numbers are as follows, 01715468050, 01715468051, 01715468052 except this, PNGO of RJ uses 01959-975777, 01959-975888, 01959-975999 for collection human Rights Violation incidents in their locality for AWO funded project by the PNGO namely Crescent, DRO, and RDC respectively. The Staff of RJ or PNGO’s provides these mobile numbers during conduction of field level activities to the community people; they are informed how to use these mobile number. If any violation of human Rights incidents arises they inform Rights Jessore as well as to PNGO’s for solving the problem, then RJ and PNGO records human Rights violation incident in the register book and takes initiative for solving the problem accordingly. Thus rural area people are being benefited by hotline services. The hotline numbers acts as under mentioned diagrams
Formation & capacity building of CVG:
CVG (Community vigilance Group) a non government affiliated group has been formed in the community by the project they are acted as a watch dog in the community. The project have been formed this group for the sake of community people and for protection of the children. 20 members exists each of CVG. The youth group of the community, Students of School College, UP member, local elites, local leader, and house wife are the member of this group.
Formation & capacity building of CTC:
CTC (Counter trafficking committee) a government affiliated group has been formed in the community by the Government in union level Upazila level as well as in the district level this committee are acted as a watch dog in the community for the prevention of human trafficking and promotion of safe migration according to NPA (National Plan of Action ) The Government has formed this group for the sake of community people to prevent human trafficking and promotion of safe migration and for protection of the children. 30 to 34 members exists each of CTC. The elected members of Union, Upazila and Government Officials and NGO level Officials are the member of this committee. Rights Jessore capacitated of these CTC Member organizing Capacity building training for them on the issue of prevention human trafficking and promotion of safe migration.
Lobbing meeting with identified Companies management:
Rights Jessore organizes lobbying meeting with identified companies’ management in the private sectors. The main objective to organize of this meeting is to increase awareness on prevention CSEC (Commercial sex exploitation of Children) issue and seek help in providing service for CSEC affected survivors. In the lobbying meeting 25 participants are invited. At first RJ Staff goes to certain private sector company to bring permission to organize this event in their conference room . After getting permission RJ issues letter to certain company Director for inviting to organize a lobby meeting with company management. The main discussion point of this lobby meeting is, Child Rights, human trafficking, prevention of CSEC issue, initiation of CSEC free company, Include CSEC Issue in their HRM.
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