Starting Date
February, 2010
Ending Date
August, 2014
Working Areas
Project Objective
- To reduce the vulnerability of mobile populations through creating replicable models of good practice in prevention, care and support for mobile populations across the mobility continuum of source, transit and destination.
- To enhance mobile populations access to services and reduce their vulnerability through building the capacity of existing services.
- To generate evidence as to the impact of HIV and mobility and to promote existing efforts in advocating to reduce the vulnerability of mobile populations to HIV.
Major Activities
- Conduct a baseline survey in support with project secretariat
- Conduct operational research in support Care Bangladesh
- Establishment of project office
- Establishment of one Drop in centre (DIC) at Bhomra land port
- Establish one District level travel centre at Satkhira Bus stand (DLTC)
- Establish five Community resource centre (CRC)at union level
- Establish one pass through centre (PTC) at transit point
- Orientation of BDR and other law enforcement agencies on HIV and mobility issue
- Formation and orientation of CBO/community support group SHG at source and transit.
- Strengthen capacity and/or information of CBOs / SHGs / Workers organization.
- Establish functional referral service mechanism with existing relevant service providers
- Orient media personnel on cross border mobility, HIV vulnerability and impact population
- Conduct a good numbers of awareness raising court yard meetings through CRC /DIC/PTC.
Funding Agency
CARE Bangladesh / Big Lottery Fund
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